Just resting :o)
I have been so busy these past couple of weeks - I don't even know where to begin!! I swear Halloween season starts, and the craziness does not end until after New Years. It is a little confusing for me though, because it is still in the 90s here! It just feels wong to be carving pumpkins and decorating for fall when it is still too hot to hang out outside. Oh well what can you do?
I guess I will break up everything we've been up to into several mini posts. And since people have been asking me "where are the cupcakes?!" I should probably start with that first!! I had a fun day yesterday baking for several hours after church. I made some mini batches of cupcakes from recipes I had wanted to test, and also a couple of different types of icing. I also got some new fun cupcake stuff from Michaels over the weekend, and I wanted to try some of it out. For the most part, the experiments turned out great. And my sweet hubby cleaned up the huge mess I made in the kitchen!! Can't beat that!
The first recipe I made was a vanilla cupcake from Amy Sedaris's book which can be found
here. I wanted the cupcakes to be really dome-ey on top, so I filled up the liners a little more than I usually would. I ran the risk of overflow this way, but they actually stayed put!! I only ended up with 8 cupcakes in the end (I had halfed the recipe) but a pretty 8 cupcakes they were. I should have taken pictures of the "naked" stage :o)
I wanted to make really pretty cupcakes this time around, so I topped these with my favorite color combo, pink and lime green. The flowers are made of tinted rolled fondant, cut with a mini cutter and dotted with buttercream in the center. The icing is Magnolia Bakery's vanilla buttercream recipe, which I love!! I swear you will never go back to grocery store shortening - laden cupcakes after you taste this buttercream. Yum!!!
The other cupcakes I made were Martha Stewart's One Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes and for such a simple recipe they are TASTY! I am in love with these cupcakes. They are awesome even without icing! But chocolate cupcakes require chocolate frosting, so i topped them with Billy's chocolate buttercream, and a single jumbo confetti sprinkle. Cupcake heaven!! So enjoy the pictures, and then go make some cupcakes :o)

Jamie you are amazing!!! Those cupcakes are soooo stinkin cute!
these look to pretty to eat. yummo gotta try it!
we have no plans for the weekend as of right now! give me a call when you are here and we can work somethin out! drive safe!
I wish I could bake like you! You better come see us! Do you have the same number?? We should go to lunch Saturday- I can't email you because I have a mac and my mail thing isn't set up so just email me your number and I will call you. tatumandkyle@hotmail.com
Nummy I'm excited to try them!
Those cupcakes are so cute!! :)
I made your 'slimer' cupcakes Tuesday for my office Halloween party and they were a real success! I got a picture of them for you:
It was my first time decorating cupcakes and I had a hard time with it, but I think it didn't look too bad. They were so yummy, I think I ate 5 yesterday, I was so full, I didn't eat supper! :)
Again, thanks for the recipe and thank you for sharing it all your cooking ideas with the world! xox
Leatitia, your cupcakes look great! I am glad you enjoyed them and thanks so much for sharing your picture with me! Keep on decorating...it is so addicting :o)
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