Friday, January 23, 2009

To Do or Not To Do...

Should I...? What do you think? If so, any ideas? Thanks guys! :p

Oh yeah, I should add that I am quite literally obsessed with this show. And *maybe* Chef Duff.


beanjah said...

do it! you can make a cake of me as a cupid. that satisfy both the crazy and cute requirements.

Jessica said...

totally do it!!! i know you will come up with something insanely cute!

Brimaca said...

do it! do it! do it! i can't give ideas. you are a million more times talented in this area than I am.

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!! I know you would do an amazing cake!! If you lived closer I would totally pay you to make an amazing baby shower cake for my sister's shower this wekeend!

Holly or Joe said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!!! I KNEW YOU"D LIKE THIS SHOW TOO!!! I watch it all the time and think of you and the "Two Bens". Your cupcakes from a million years ago were amazing adn I am sure you've done a million more amazing treats!! You would TOTALLY appeal and speak true to Duff and his staff! They would dig whatever you did! You have to do this!!!!!!!!! DO IT!!

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